California has the green light to start using federal infrastructure funding to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging stations along the state’s interstates and highways following the recent federal approval of a joint plan by Caltrans and California Energy Commission.
The U.S. Joint Office of Energy and Transportation’s signoff on the California Deployment Plan for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program makes an initial $56 million in funding available to install charging stations throughout the state. Funded by the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA), California expects to receive a total of $384 million for the program over the next five years. The federal funding will build on California’s historic $10 billion, multiyear investment to accelerate the transition to zero-emission vehicles by improving affordability and expanding charging infrastructure.
“Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s approval of California’s NEVI plan, we can start putting historic levels of federal infrastructure funding to work to close gaps in our state highway system’s evolving EV charging network and improve availability and reliability for low-income and rural residents,” said California Transportation Secretary Toks Omishakin. “Coupled with unprecedented levels of state investments in zero-emission vehicles, this funding will help supercharge California’s nation-leading efforts to drastically cut climate-changing pollution from the transportation sector.”
The IIJA funds will add to efforts to complete a 6,600-mile statewide charging network and deploy 1.2 million chargers by 2030 to meet the anticipated charging needs of the state’s EV fleet.
" With this unprecedented federal investment, California can advance our vision of a unified network of charging stations along the state’s busiest corridors,” said California Energy Commission Commissioner Patty Monahan. “This new network will increase charging access, particularly in the rural areas of our state, and help EV drivers charge up on long trips."
The state’s NEVI plan focuses on construction of fast-charging stations near interstates, U.S. routes and state routes throughout California. These charging stations will increase the availability of charging options, improve the reliability of the charging network and remove barriers to accessing EVs. NEVI funding will also support upgrades to existing infrastructure, charging stations’ operation and maintenance costs, community and stakeholder engagement, workforce development, and related mapping and signage.
California surpassed one million zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) sold in 2021 and leads the country in all ZEV market metrics including the highest level of public funding, the largest EV market share percentage, and the most extensive public charging infrastructure. The success of the state’s programs has led to ZEVs becoming a top export and has spurred major advances in manufacturing and job creation.
For more information on the NEVI Formula program, visit FHWA’s NEVI website and For the latest developments on California’s deployment efforts under the NEVI program, please visit the CEC’s NEVI website.
For more information on the state’s progress, explore CEC’s Zero Emission Vehicle and Infrastructure Statistics dashboards.
People here citing the $8 per gallon "equivalence" of supercharging are really clueless. What they're really pointing out, if you know math and physics, is that internal combustion engines are only 40% efficient and that we should really be charging more than that for gasoline to make up for all the downsides.
People here citing the $8 per gallon "equivalence" of supercharging are really clueless. What they're really pointing out, if you know math and physics, is that internal combustion engines are only 40% efficient and that we should really be charging more than that for gasoline to make up for all the downsides.
1:10 - Wind and solar are way less expensive than fossil, in multiple ways. Maybe that's what you consider a subsidy.
1:10 - Wind and solar are way less expensive than fossil, in multiple ways. Maybe that's what you consider a subsidy.
Wind and solar isn't heavily subsidized? No mining, extraction and transportation involved in manufacturing and installing solar panels and wind turbines? There aren't losses when transmitting electricity? And I'm leaving things out? Modern gasoline engines are rather efficient so saying they burn it inefficiently isn't accurate at all, only new nat-gas plants can more efficiently turn fossil fuel into energy and even then it's going to 40% in an ICE to 60% in a nat-gas plant. Nice insult on the end, really helps summarize and solidify you point.
Wind and solar isn't heavily subsidized? No mining, extraction and transportation involved in manufacturing and installing solar panels and wind turbines? There aren't losses when transmitting electricity? And I'm leaving things out? Modern gasoline engines are rather efficient so saying they burn it inefficiently isn't accurate at all, only new nat-gas plants can more efficiently turn fossil fuel into energy and even then it's going to 40% in an ICE to 60% in a nat-gas plant. Nice insult on the end, really helps summarize and solidify you point.
8:34@ Now, that's a remarkably convoluted attempt to justify your non-fact-based opinions. It turns out the electricity generated for our grid is mostly renewable. What you leave out of all of your contortions is taking into account all the environmental damage caused in the extraction, refining, and transporting of all that heavily-subsidized fossil fuel so that you can burn it inefficiently and contribute to the destruction of a livable planet for humans. Learn something: Although, we won't expect much, since your previous behavior demonstrates remarkable clue-resistance on myriad subjects.
Now, that's a remarkably convoluted attempt to justify your non-fact-based opinions. It turns out the electricity generated for our grid is mostly renewable.
What you leave out of all of your contortions is taking into account all the environmental damage caused in the extraction, refining, and transporting of all that heavily-subsidized fossil fuel so that you can burn it inefficiently and contribute to the destruction of a livable planet for humans.
Learn something:
Although, we won't expect much, since your previous behavior demonstrates remarkable clue-resistance on myriad subjects.
What you're leaving out of the equation is it depends on how that electrical energy from the grid was generated. An EV is just a battery, it only stores energy it doesn't produce it. While an EV may use 60% of it's stored electrical energy towards propulsion if that electricity was produced via natural gas, which would have an efficiency closer to an ICE engine, the net overall efficiency would be lower. Another great reason not to shut down our existing nuclear power plants.
What you're leaving out of the equation is it depends on how that electrical energy from the grid was generated. An EV is just a battery, it only stores energy it doesn't produce it. While an EV may use 60% of it's stored electrical energy towards propulsion if that electricity was produced via natural gas, which would have an efficiency closer to an ICE engine, the net overall efficiency would be lower. Another great reason not to shut down our existing nuclear power plants.
News for you. It's even worse than that. "According to the Department of Energy (DOE), in an EV, about 59-62 percent of the electrical energy from the grid goes to turning the wheels, whereas gas combustion vehicles only convert about 17-21 percent of energy from burning fuel into moving the car."
News for you. It's even worse than that.
"According to the Department of Energy (DOE), in an EV, about 59-62 percent of the electrical energy from the grid goes to turning the wheels, whereas gas combustion vehicles only convert about 17-21 percent of energy from burning fuel into moving the car."
Of which, your Gasoline engine wastes 60% as heat, providing no propulsive energy. Get it?
Of which, your Gasoline engine wastes 60% as heat, providing no propulsive energy. Get it?
The article I linked showed their math and explained it better. "A gallon of gas contains 33.7 kWh of energy." that calculation is motor neutral. Some of you should really check your SB Elite privilege at the door. Poor people in San Bernardino are not buying EV's and it isn't because they are dumber than you. They are smart enough to know what works for their budget with their needs. They can't afford a Tesla that only gets driven to Lazy Acres or to the Climate Change Fundraiser... you know the places you can be sure to be seen in all your glorious benevolence
The article I linked showed their math and explained it better. "A gallon of gas contains 33.7 kWh of energy." that calculation is motor neutral. Some of you should really check your SB Elite privilege at the door. Poor people in San Bernardino are not buying EV's and it isn't because they are dumber than you. They are smart enough to know what works for their budget with their needs. They can't afford a Tesla that only gets driven to Lazy Acres or to the Climate Change Fundraiser... you know the places you can be sure to be seen in all your glorious benevolence
Same chorus of buffoonery and lies from social justice, green warriors. Talk about science denial! Seriously, petroleum products are a part of everyday modern life, multiplies of products, countless applications. Wind and solar to replace petroleum as a national or global energy policy is beyond stupid, beyond irrational and is truly pathological. My advice to these folks, get over it, cuz a huge tidal wave of red is coming…and man, are they pissed!
Same chorus of buffoonery and lies from social justice, green warriors. Talk about science denial! Seriously, petroleum products are a part of everyday modern life, multiplies of products, countless applications. Wind and solar to replace petroleum as a national or global energy policy is beyond stupid, beyond irrational and is truly pathological. My advice to these folks, get over it, cuz a huge tidal wave of red is coming…and man, are they pissed!
Yeah, I'm sure the massive influx of new registrants who are primarily women reacting to ending the right to abortion (yes; that's what the Alito et. al. did ... "they just handed it over to the states" means exactly the same thing as ending the federal/constitutional right to an abortion) will be voting "red".
Yeah, I'm sure the massive influx of new registrants who are primarily women reacting to ending the right to abortion (yes; that's what the Alito et. al. did ... "they just handed it over to the states" means exactly the same thing as ending the federal/constitutional right to an abortion) will be voting "red".
LOL a "red tidal wave?" Any idea what state you're in? And seriously, who's "pissed" about renewable energy? It's not going to affect or inconvenience you in any way, but you do you with your ripple of ignorant Chicken Littles. Come on Californians.... get your flood pants ready for the "wave" hahahahahahahahaha!
LOL a "red tidal wave?" Any idea what state you're in? And seriously, who's "pissed" about renewable energy? It's not going to affect or inconvenience you in any way, but you do you with your ripple of ignorant Chicken Littles. Come on Californians.... get your flood pants ready for the "wave" hahahahahahahahaha!
Some people are not only willfully ignorant, they're downright delusional! I hope that red tide appreciates the fact that both of their frontrunners for the presidency are under criminal investigation.
Some people are not only willfully ignorant, they're downright delusional! I hope that red tide appreciates the fact that both of their frontrunners for the presidency are under criminal investigation.
Climate heretics dare to ask out loud if 900lbs battery accidents at 25,000 X damage of carbon dioxide matter. Religious fanatics cry out for burning heretics at stake.. resulting in more damage to environment. Trot out comparisons of battery arrays measuring in tons to 30 lbs gas car battery and can't figure out there is a difference
Climate heretics dare to ask out loud if 900lbs battery accidents at 25,000 X damage of carbon dioxide matter. Religious fanatics cry out for burning heretics at stake.. resulting in more damage to environment. Trot out comparisons of battery arrays measuring in tons to 30 lbs gas car battery and can't figure out there is a difference
The future is coming. Get on board, or stay mired in obsolescence.
The future is coming. Get on board, or stay mired in obsolescence.
Isn't it comforting to know that we can rely on the same little group of small-minded contributors to promote anti-public health messaging, climate science denial, and opposition to a better future?
Isn't it comforting to know that we can rely on the same little group of small-minded contributors to promote anti-public health messaging, climate science denial, and opposition to a better future?
@9:02 Yes, they're quite relieable.
@9:02 Yes, they're quite relieable.
Santa Barbara elites are great. They'll tell you how their $100,000 Tesla (subsidized) gets free power at any Tesla supercharger that only takes 18 minutes. Or how they can paid an additional $2000 for unlimited supercharging. Like their housekeepers and gardeners can afford that. Or they ignore that the charging cost per mile to supercharge are energy equavalent to $8.76 per gallon ("We have received a lot of questions about our calculation that using a Supercharger can cost the equivalent of $8.76 per gallon. That number is based on the EPA’s equivalency factor that an average gallon of gas contains 33.7 kWh of energy.") "Owning a Tesla Model 3 (or any electric car) can substantially reduce fuel costs compared to a gas-powered car, but only when it's charged at home."
Santa Barbara elites are great. They'll tell you how their $100,000 Tesla (subsidized) gets free power at any Tesla supercharger that only takes 18 minutes. Or how they can paid an additional $2000 for unlimited supercharging. Like their housekeepers and gardeners can afford that. Or they ignore that the charging cost per mile to supercharge are energy equavalent to $8.76 per gallon ("We have received a lot of questions about our calculation that using a Supercharger can cost the equivalent of $8.76 per gallon. That number is based on the EPA’s equivalency factor that an average gallon of gas contains 33.7 kWh of energy.")
"Owning a Tesla Model 3 (or any electric car) can substantially reduce fuel costs compared to a gas-powered car, but only when it's charged at home."
Last time I looked, gas car batteries were not 900lbs... and if you paid attention I also referenced the battery fire up in Moss Landing because of all the storage you will need for solar and wind in order to charge cars in off hours. Religious zealots rarely pay attention to details that run contrary to their belief systems
Last time I looked, gas car batteries were not 900lbs... and if you paid attention I also referenced the battery fire up in Moss Landing because of all the storage you will need for solar and wind in order to charge cars in off hours. Religious zealots rarely pay attention to details that run contrary to their belief systems
MAGA = horse drawn carriages, kerosene lamps and isolationism? Well I guess the Magas wouldn't go so far as the horse drawn carriage because that would hurt their beloved petrol companies. The same people that said coal was coming back.
MAGA = horse drawn carriages, kerosene lamps and isolationism? Well I guess the Magas wouldn't go so far as the horse drawn carriage because that would hurt their beloved petrol companies. The same people that said coal was coming back.
Some clues for the carbon shills. A rapid trnsition to green energy would save us trillions of dollars:
Some clues for the carbon shills. A rapid trnsition to green energy would save us trillions of dollars:
General tree will there be affordable gas for her to put in that car. Not if all goes as planned. You may be able to afford this but a large group of us can not. So leave us the hell slingme drive your EV cars
General tree will there be affordable gas for her to put in that car. Not if all goes as planned. You may be able to afford this but a large group of us can not. So leave us the hell slingme drive your EV cars
"General tree will there be affordable gas for her to put in that car. " Only a communist would say that. Under capitalism the demand will go down so her gas will be cheap.
"General tree will there be affordable gas for her to put in that car. " Only a communist would say that. Under capitalism the demand will go down so her gas will be cheap.
MEBK you made a false claim and then you dodged when you got called out on your false claim. I guess you are a communist and don't understand that EV prices will go down, there will be used EV's in 2035, and technology will change. But you do you - it's ok. Repuglicans typically deflect when called out on their initial claim and move straight to whataboutism.
MEBK you made a false claim and then you dodged when you got called out on your false claim. I guess you are a communist and don't understand that EV prices will go down, there will be used EV's in 2035, and technology will change. But you do you - it's ok. Repuglicans typically deflect when called out on their initial claim and move straight to whataboutism.
So many here would live to get rid of electricity and go back to Kerosene lamps. Repuglicans fear progress, technology, science, and especially change.
So many here would live to get rid of electricity and go back to Kerosene lamps. Repuglicans fear progress, technology, science, and especially change.
Who is going to tell the struggling mother of two children who scrape together $1500 to buy a small gas car that she has and now purchase a very expensive vehicle in the state of California they can’t do it it’s so totally unfair to those who can’t do it to make it a mandatory thing by 2035 it’s absolutely ludicrous I’m sure like everything else they’ll try to substitute of those that can’t afford it but those that can barely afford it is still gonna have to pay for it it makes absolutely no sense
Who is going to tell the struggling mother of two children who scrape together $1500 to buy a small gas car that she has and now purchase a very expensive vehicle in the state of California they can’t do it it’s so totally unfair to those who can’t do it to make it a mandatory thing by 2035 it’s absolutely ludicrous I’m sure like everything else they’ll try to substitute of those that can’t afford it but those that can barely afford it is still gonna have to pay for it it makes absolutely no sense
That needs new batteries for another 3K. Oh, this is speculation... 50k.
That needs new batteries for another 3K. Oh, this is speculation... 50k.
She could still buy a used $1500 car in 2035 used. This applies to new cars. Sorry to interrupt your disinformation campaign.
She could still buy a used $1500 car in 2035 used. This applies to new cars. Sorry to interrupt your disinformation campaign.
That battery fire should be a major concern to AGW concerned EV drivers. Lithium battery fires emit flouride gases which are 25,000 X worse than carbon dioxide "F-gases are often used as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances, because they do not damage the atmospheric ozone layer. However, F-gases are powerful greenhouse gases, with a global warming effect up to 25 000 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2)." (see link at bottom) Toxic Flouride gas emissions from Lithium-ion Battery Fires,are%20presented%20as%20mg%2FWh. Here is your Hazardous substance fact sheet on Lithium I'd rather be working around diesel fuel exhaust than around lithium burning and lithium battery packs are prone to fires when over charged or damaged. The more of these battery storage facilities we build to store wind and solar, the more fires we will see belching a volcano of pollution that contributes god knows what to AGW... oh wait, here is a study,carbon%20dioxide%20(CO2).
That battery fire should be a major concern to AGW concerned EV drivers. Lithium battery fires emit flouride gases which are 25,000 X worse than carbon dioxide "F-gases are often used as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances, because they do not damage the atmospheric ozone layer. However, F-gases are powerful greenhouse gases, with a global warming effect up to 25 000 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2)." (see link at bottom)
Toxic Flouride gas emissions from Lithium-ion Battery Fires,are%20presented%20as%20mg%2FWh.
Here is your Hazardous substance fact sheet on Lithium
I'd rather be working around diesel fuel exhaust than around lithium burning and lithium battery packs are prone to fires when over charged or damaged.
The more of these battery storage facilities we build to store wind and solar, the more fires we will see belching a volcano of pollution that contributes god knows what to AGW... oh wait, here is a study,carbon%20dioxide%20(CO2).
What do gas car batteries emit when they burn?
What do gas car batteries emit when they burn?
A less hysterical take on the battery fire in Monterey County:
A less hysterical take on the battery fire in Monterey County:
Highway 1 is still closed in the Moss Landing area, and it looks like the shelter in place order is still in effect. It’s not the first time a lithium battery Fire has caused problems in that area.
Highway 1 is still closed in the Moss Landing area, and it looks like the shelter in place order is still in effect. It’s not the first time a lithium battery Fire has caused problems in that area.
Chip what emissions are transmitted when coke generating plants and refineries burn. Oil platforms?
Chip what emissions are transmitted when coke generating plants and refineries burn. Oil platforms?
Shasta, how many times have refineries and oil platforms caught fire?
Shasta, how many times have refineries and oil platforms caught fire?
Dont worry Chip. No one will stop you from huffing on some gasoline now or in the future. You're all good.
Dont worry Chip. No one will stop you from huffing on some gasoline now or in the future. You're all good.
Why noot do some research? Relevant quote: "Heat released during cell failure can damage nearby cells, releasing more heat in a chain reaction known as a thermal runaway. The high energy density in lithium batteries makes them more susceptible to these reactions. Depending on the battery chemistry, size, design, component types, and amount of energy stored in the lithium cell, lithium cell failures can result in chemical and/or combustion reactions, which can also result in heat releases and/or over-pressurization. • In chemical reactions, by-products from the electrolyte solution and electrodes can increase the pressure in the cell to the point where the cell walls expand and by-products leak out. Chemical by-products usually include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and hydrocarbons. In many cases, the by-products are also combustible and couldignite. • In combustion reactions, a thermal runaway releases byproducts that may ignite to cause smoke, heat, fire, and/or explosion. The by-products from a lithium battery combustion reaction are usually carbon dioxide and water vapor. In some lithium batteries, combustion can separate fluorine from lithium salts in the battery. If mixed with water vapors, fluorine may produce hydrofluoric acid, which is particularly hazardous because workers may not feel its effects until hours after skin exposure."
Why noot do some research?
Relevant quote: "Heat released during cell failure can damage nearby cells, releasing more heat in a chain reaction known as a thermal runaway. The high energy density in lithium batteries makes them more susceptible to these reactions. Depending on the battery chemistry, size, design, component types, and amount of energy stored in the lithium cell, lithium cell failures can result in chemical and/or combustion reactions, which can also result in heat releases and/or over-pressurization. • In chemical reactions, by-products from the electrolyte solution and electrodes can increase the pressure in the cell to the point where the cell walls expand and by-products leak out. Chemical by-products usually include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and hydrocarbons. In many cases, the by-products are also combustible and couldignite. • In combustion reactions, a thermal runaway releases byproducts that may ignite to cause smoke, heat, fire, and/or explosion. The by-products from a lithium battery combustion reaction are usually carbon dioxide and water vapor. In some lithium batteries, combustion can separate fluorine from lithium salts in the battery. If mixed with water vapors, fluorine may produce hydrofluoric acid, which is particularly hazardous because workers may not feel its effects until hours after skin exposure."
Does anybody have any insight into what kind of emissions are released in a lithium battery fire like this? Sounds like some nasty stuff.
Does anybody have any insight into what kind of emissions are released in a lithium battery fire like this? Sounds like some nasty stuff.
I'm all for saving the planet and everything, but too many people who think of themselves as "eco-warriors" or energy progressives seem to be just fine with filthy/dirty energy generated outside of the State of California. The Tesla fire going on right now up in Moss Landing is a good example of "you get what you wanted." I'm no expert, but my guess is that the air in the fire/burn area is not very healthy, and should be a warning to those who want to run head-first into so-called green's not very green (to say the least). A huge percentage of EV car owners rent gas-powered vehicles when they need to go more than a couple hundred miles. I wish I had a penny for every time I told someone whose mind I changed by pointing out that hybrids are the way to go IF you can afford one. BTW, fire departments h-a-t-e dealing with EV car fires all the time. Maybe we should revert to riding animals like the person who was dressed as a nun while riding a donkey in the last Fiesta Parade (better than digging up the Earth for a handful of "precious" minerals/metals).
I'm all for saving the planet and everything, but too many people who think of themselves as "eco-warriors" or energy progressives seem to be just fine with filthy/dirty energy generated outside of the State of California. The Tesla fire going on right now up in Moss Landing is a good example of "you get what you wanted." I'm no expert, but my guess is that the air in the fire/burn area is not very healthy, and should be a warning to those who want to run head-first into so-called green's not very green (to say the least). A huge percentage of EV car owners rent gas-powered vehicles when they need to go more than a couple hundred miles. I wish I had a penny for every time I told someone whose mind I changed by pointing out that hybrids are the way to go IF you can afford one. BTW, fire departments h-a-t-e dealing with EV car fires all the time. Maybe we should revert to riding animals like the person who was dressed as a nun while riding a donkey in the last Fiesta Parade (better than digging up the Earth for a handful of "precious" minerals/metals).
"I'm all for saving the planet and everything, but......." - sounds so much like "I can't be racist, I have a black friend!"
"I'm all for saving the planet and everything, but......." - sounds so much like "I can't be racist, I have a black friend!"
"I'm no expert, but" Classic BC.
"I'm no expert, but"
Gas cars don't start fires? Are you sure?
Gas cars don't start fires? Are you sure?
Is this from the same people that never ever have the rest stops open?
Is this from the same people that never ever have the rest stops open? They are going to need it because we already can't keep the lights on. They are going to need it because we already can't keep the lights on.
Yeah. Puerto Rico is typically yellow like CA most of the time. Nasty hurricane!
Yeah. Puerto Rico is typically yellow like CA most of the time. Nasty hurricane!
There is a hurricane down there so PR is an outlier. But CA leading the nation by more than 3x even when adjusting for population.
There is a hurricane down there so PR is an outlier. But CA leading the nation by more than 3x even when adjusting for population.
per : States and territories by customers out Puerto Rico 1,168,000 California 19,739 Texas 3,675 Georgia 3,426 Michigan 3,261 Last Updated: 2022-09-20 10:10:35 AM PDT PR has 1,468,223 tracked showing 1,168,000 Out!!!
per : States and territories by customers out Puerto Rico 1,168,000 California 19,739 Texas 3,675 Georgia 3,426 Michigan 3,261 Last Updated: 2022-09-20 10:10:35 AM PDT PR has 1,468,223 tracked showing 1,168,000 Out!!!
There’s a big Tesla battery fire going on right now at a PGE energy storage facility in Moss Landing near the Bay Area. Highway 1 is shutdown for the next several hours there. Not your ordinary Tesla fire, but one of those really high capacity batteries used for major power storage.
There’s a big Tesla battery fire going on right now at a PGE energy storage facility in Moss Landing near the Bay Area. Highway 1 is shutdown for the next several hours there. Not your ordinary Tesla fire, but one of those really high capacity batteries used for major power storage.
Oil refineries on the water? You obviously know what you're talking about.
Oil refineries on the water? You obviously know what you're talking about.
When did you watch that GT? Documentaries or movies I assume? Or are you actually on the water, ever...
When did you watch that GT? Documentaries or movies I assume? Or are you actually on the water, ever...
I've watched slnumerous oil refineries burn and explode in my lifetime
I've watched slnumerous oil refineries burn and explode in my lifetime
California leads the way... in outsourcing its dirty work to Mexico, India, China. In keeping with that tradition, I expect California to financially encourage Mexico to build nuclear reactors along the Pacific and Gulf of California and to sell us the cheap power.
California leads the way... in outsourcing its dirty work to Mexico, India, China. In keeping with that tradition, I expect California to financially encourage Mexico to build nuclear reactors along the Pacific and Gulf of California and to sell us the cheap power.
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